September 24, 2016

Let The Games Begin

Yes, I continue searching out the answers and/or revelations to the mystery of this reality. This story proves again to be the sort of ongoing evidence to what I perceive as a 'piece' of the fascinating discoveries one can find if one is seeking with eyes open for the mystery to reveal itself (or at least have them 1/2 to 3/4 of the way open, because I admit, I do like baby eye opening steps when it comes to cracking any mystery.)  

I do have some guidance though, as I'm doing two separate 30 day experiment based games. I am using two books by the same author, Pam Grout to give me context and structure to follow. Trust me when I say it's good for me to have some mind organization when it comes to experimentation within the mysterious. One book is "Thank and Grow Rich" and the other is "E2 ( or E-Squared)- Nine DIY Energy Experiments to Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality." Both are creatively written and she is totally down to earth, and has a very cool sense of humor, which is awesome when dealing with the woo-woo kind of world. Although I don't think she considers these books woo-woo as much as practical workbooks to the current scientific factoids in the realms of the almighty science of quantum physics. I simply cannot wait until any science admits the missing link all along has been an all intelligent consciousness and our active existence, participation, and awakening conscious use of it. .

Because I choose to believe in the missing link they are searching for, I align with what Pam speaks to, flows in, and has personal experience with as well. Both books in their own cool way basically involve intentional interaction with the great and powerful Universe/quantum field/the G word, or whatever you choose to call it. The point of the games/experiments are to find definite and obvious results by consciously playing the game! Grok?

Yesterday my mission was to find examples of synchronization and obvious connections in experience or things. In other words it was a shout out to be presented with such insight. Now as you can imagine, that kept my mind and heart in full enjoyable engagement all day, and I found I needed a lot of hydration. This is because when you're presented with such an adventure-activity of looking for the connections, it can take some serious focus of energy. But once you get yourself going, things just start popping up and you start to get all surprised and thrilled you're perceiving in this way. Well at least I get thrilled, which is sucha great word any which way you use it! 

This is where the photo comes in: 

Early in the day I was strolling along on one of my favorite paths. As I was pondering about the games of the day, I began intentionally opening myself to that kind of "seeing", which is both sort of subtly receptive yet determinedly focused. I recall thinking something like this, "I wonder how everything actually fits beautifully together? I wonder if I will have the privilege of seeing the deeper connection in each of the symbols that clearly cross my path today?" 

Also my personal rules I made up for this first day were:
  • Rule #1: Have a good solid sense of curiosity. 
  • Rule #2: Don't "try" too hard, just let the symbols present themselves. 
So I felt I was starting off fairly well and on the right track with the questions I was presenting. And as soon as those thoughts passed through my mind, I look down and there they were, the first symbols had instantaneously arrived: My very own two puzzle pieces! (Btw, in case you were wondering they don't fit together cuz I instantly tried that.) I'll have to say, I thought this was a very creative, humorous, and solid first symbol to land upon. After all, you gotta have a couple of the pieces in hand to get the whole life puzzle thing rollin' into motion anyway. Didn't it take seven days and 2.6 billion puzzle pieces for the world to be created in the biblical creation story? And as I see it, with these games being a fresh view and a feeling of a clean slate for me, I'm only getting started making the pieces fit just right in some seeming whole succinct big picture life way. I'll enjoy what I know will be a wildly fascinating ride.

The rest of the day unfolded in similar surprising pieces. This symbol, and then that brief 'take me off guard' experience, just presented themselves what seemed like in back to back sequence, and with that little neon light around them saying "Hello! I'm a part of the symbolic, synchronized story being told to you today!" And then I had to put it all together at the end of the day. I won't get too detailed on all the pieces, as it's somewhat personal to me. But I can tell you without a doubt, they did line up and share with me some amazing insights and confirming realization that again there is such orchestration in the seeming chaos. And it most certainly depends on how you intend to experience your day. And if not anything else, it simply reminds me that IT is sooooooooooo much vaster, intelligent, mysteriously awesome than the small mind we often perceive from, and IT is ever so willing to play in the most miraculous ways with us. But what it comes down to is that we have to be open and wanting to see and experience the mystery. Not for the "answers" per say, but for the SURPRISE! It's well worth playing the game. And guess what?.... Everyone wins.

1 comment:

Ponder Along!