May 9, 2016

Unhinge the Doors

Yes. I am blogging once again. Yes, this is my official blog and this is where I will attempt to write my thoughts and ponderings from here on out. I have primarily shared my writings on Facebook, but that forum has seemed to tapper off a bit for me. A notch of inner inspiration removed. I figure it's just too many words for that little wall, when most folks at this point just put up photos of lost dogs, political confusion, Buddha memes, and a flower or two from the spring garden. All cool prevalent stuff, but as we well know, there's kind of a common predictability there, and I am personally tired of the commonly predictable. I suppose it always has been that way there in FB land, so maybe I'm just a late bloomer to this fact. Maybe blogging has always been the correct forum for my ginormous diatribes on life and insights of subtle personal amusement. Who knows?

 So yes, I'm blogging here again too because I can "mostly" guarantee it's going to be so much more unpredictable if someone decides to read my writing at my Blogger site as opposed to my Facebook wall. In other words, I ain't going to be holding much back! No fucking way. Blog world is free domain! Im thinking I will say everything I wanted to but didn't say on FB, and revel in the liberation of free speech. I will also revel freely with the assumption no one will read any of these, so I can just have at it. I will most likely be entertaining myself alone, but I have no shame in doing so. This is my pledge.

 BUT.....the pledge has an addendum too: I do have three blogs here from 2011/12 that I totally forgot about, so I have a small head start in the blogging realm. I also found, through looking at my stats on the blogs, that I had roughly 250 views on them over the years they have been up here. Naturally I was surprised at that and I thought, "Hmmmmm...... Who the hell are those 244, people that have stumbled upon and read my stuff besides the maybe the at max, 6 friends of mine who read my ponderings back in the day?" The bottom line is, I want to write, seems perhaps 250 people want to read, so I am entertaining myself and possibly another. That stated, I also pledge to continue to write blogs in the case that 1 in 250 reads them and finds a small slice of continued entertainment in this little world of blog.

 After that rather long prelude, I will get to the topic of blogness that I want to ponder further on this evening. Because, yes folks, it is after all "Time to Ponder":

As I sat and had afternoon tea today, I found myself pondering about the door/life changes metaphor humans use. You know the one......When one door closes, another is opening. One door opening, another closing. So on and so forth. And then there's the joke about that doors are supposed to close and open, because that's how they work, or something fucking hilarious like that. Or if a door closes open a window. Blah blah....I can't stop laughing! (not really.)

 But my thought today is that it's not the best analogy really at all if you would rather add some ease and grace into your life, because if you hadn't noticed before, doors open and close in front of us everyday, all day long, over and over and over again. Push, pull, click, slam, knock, swoosh, automatic door sliding, ding dong! It's too much to think of life being like doors in this constant opening/closing cycle. It can become quite overwhelming because we might even begin to forget which one is closing and which is opening. It's down right confusing.

 So, upon this pondering today, I decided that I prefer when one of my doors is opening, that I then choose to put a door stopper under it for awhile and let the breeze in. Then, when I'm damn well ready to close it, I will. I might even decide to unhinge the whole thing too. Put the door aside for awhile and see what comes in and goes out on it's own. It's my choice, because it's my door and it's my life! Ponder that......


  1. Hi, Molly! Count me in to receive your blog!
    Happy Blogging!

    1. Yes BT! Will do. Warning: There might be many stream of consciousness happening here! Xo


Ponder Along!