January 2, 2012

Yogis laughing and one hand clapping

Wow. We've made it! Made it to the next day, moment, year, lifetime of our existence. 2012....my oh my.... what is to come? Let's wait and see until the Mayan calendar actually ends on December 21st. Until then just sit back and relax because we have some territory to cover. I could put a fancy quote in at this point, but my whole blog will actually revolve around a short video (link is below) and I will tell you why.

It is because this year, after watching this said video several times in 24 hours, that decidedly 2012 will be about laughing my ass off. It will be a year of throwing away some of the built up crap that has been stored in the cells of seriousness and sorrow of victimhood. It will be a year of coming together and possibly dancing into trance like states of exhalation. It will no longer be about the economy, or the occupation of _________ (fill in the blank), or about all the shit we've endured at the mercy of others. I'm thinkin' more and more it's about the souls freedom and the reveling in some unspoken remembrance of childlike states of simplistic innocence. Well at least that's what my astrological inner compass says.

Back to the video. You could perhaps scroll down and watch it now and get into that giddy feeling state of what I am speaking to, because afterall we need to do some of this layer by layer. But if you choose to hold out, I will dive a bit deeper into why I have lost all sense of wanting to take it all with such seriousness at this point. It is because I have had the realization that the greatest people seem to know that humor and laughter above all else transcends the mundane and the complex and even the "spiritual". It makes all things plain as day and as they really are. It makes the effort seem like swinging on a park swing set. It make the day in day out seem like licking lollipops and then sharing that same lollipop with a friend. (Yeah, I do mean sharing spit.) It makes for a moment of letting it fall away, and just letting the laughter bubble up and out. It makes for a good well ridden dirt bike, and a dirty at the knees pair of corduroys. Yes, I was a tomboy in the 70's.

Here's the moment where I will finally come full circle while directing you to the video and take a step into the "spiritual" aspect of humor. Or the humorous aspect of spirituality rather. There is an iconic laughing Buddha after all! I would like to speak about, and possibly for the Buddha himself for a bit because I spent my new years eve at Spirit Rock Buddhists retreat center chanting, dancing, and listening to Dharma talks mixed with confusing guided meditation and finally finding myself punch drunk laughing about the reverence of it all.

I came to the conclusion after making jokes with friends during this sacred celebration about the Buddists clapping with one hand, that the Buddha was in fact a happy man being he created Nirvana and all. I decided he would have laughed his ass off at this video. I believe if he was hip and down with the times, he would have considered it as funny as the people laughing at the yogis themselves....and perhaps that is what all those gurus and people we've bowed down to all this time need. A good laughing at. Not because they are not hip to laughing their asses off, but because it would and will continue bring us all down to an equality that we really are, and in my humble opinion, seems to be required now. Laughing together into oblivion. "We are ONE but not the SAME" as U2 said so eloquently. Just imagine all of us laughing that hard all at once.....Pretty cool. All different laughs merging into oneness. Now picture Buddah, Jesus, La Virgin De Guadalupe, Shiva, Moses, and your dog or cat doing that with us human. Funny shit huh?

So, there will be a LAUGH IN starting now. We will occupy the funny bone until we are all sitting happily in a circle with that relaxed smile that settles after a good round of hilarity. See you there. Oh, and did I mention it's contagious?

Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMC1_RH_b3k



  1. Ready, so ready to laugh and dance my ass off each and every day in 2012! And as for the namaste lingo...never been a huge fan. Have used the word probably twice (at P to I in 2011) and now I know I pronounced it incorrectly!
    Well done oh Guide to Laughter...
    Love, LOVE you!
    ~Che Obscura
    P.S. I hear matcha is the new wheat grass!

  2. Love your words and your sense of humor to infinity and beyond. Got. to. laugh.
    I welcome this new year and all the rest of the years to come... to share with you, dear Friendstress.
    I love you madly!!!
    Holla for my mala!

  3. oops it says annonymous, but you know its CBONELOVE.

  4. That is hysterical. "I found this great eyeliner for my 3rd eye!" Thanks for the thoughts

  5. LMAO! today I am Occupying my Funny Bone. xoxo delphina! beautiful word.


Ponder Along!