December 5, 2011

James Brown and the Theory of Entropy

Disclaimer: The title I chose might have little to do with what I am going to write. And, I am happy to discover within that after some prior thought, James Brown and Entropy might end up being a very entertaining conversation worth having at some point. Ponder that and I'll get back to you.

Tonight is a night for a short travel through what I will call The Theory of Undivided Equals. Now this is not a topic many will be familiar because as I find myself back at the land of blog, I also find that I make these things up as I go, and well, I just found out that includes my own theories. Perhaps some might also call this annoying, because why would a woman sitting in a cozy wooded cottage alone have any right to make up her own theories? Well, I would say that it is alot more entertaining than turning on a television and watching someone get liposuction and then nip tuck their face or breasts into something humanly unrecognizable. My theory on that is called (and it's a long one so bare with me)....."You Are One Crazy Cracker! and if you so think that you need to cut, suck and slash away your Goddess given flesh to make yourself feel more solid then you should just stand on your head for three days while looking in the mirror then stand up quickly look in the mirror again and then continue on with your life." That should pretty much do it with reforming of perception and leave you with the lack of desire to change it up. (I prefer run on sentences.)

I would say that Undivided Equals has primarily to do with how one would perceive a balance of two so in place that you can hardly notice a plural state. That there is something essential about equilibrium that it is the very thing that we as humans are always questing for. That we, at times, are so skewed in our perception of ourselves, nature, "the other", and our focus so bent at times, that we finally might find that we no longer feel connected to any of it. That we experience division. So, the Undivided Equal is the place of experiencing that somewhere beyond that skew is the true sight, the true balance, the true and essential place of rest and calm.

In example. There is the Sloth and the tree is wraps around. The Sloth is just about the slowest moving living creature at about 10 ft per minute. I would have chosen the turtle to rant about, but it is a little too common for this mind wander. I suppose if you watch a Sloth for some time you might just fall into a fuzzy slow motion state yourself and then over a slow moving time of your own, you might even think that it is actually a part of the tree it is kickin' it in. It sort of becomes the space it inhabits. It merges with, it holds a balance in it's stillness. It is has then become an Undivided Equal.

I would say in partial summary that the "One Crazy Cracker" theory is more likely the complete opposite of this Undivided Equal theory. That if we so divide against our own flesh that we feel that never ending quest to equalibriate, then we will always be longing for something which cannot be found from the outside in. And really after Sloths and James Brown, and the question of Entropy (which I totally question), I believe that is what the true Undivided Equal is to us humans.... Ourselves united with ourselves. Habitating our own skin in the essential nature of restful and loving balance.

Please feel free to do what you will with this theory.

And please, please find the time to hug a Sloth.


1 comment:

  1. James Brown and the sloth normally don't go together in ones thoughts, and oddly enough, it works.
    I love it and I love you Molly girl.


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