November 23, 2011

I do have something to say...

So there was this moment this morning upon awakening when I thought, I in fact do still have something to say. And then I thought, no I still do have a whole lot to say. I felt up until this morning that my mute sign has been up and I have not had the pleasure of articulation of words at my demand. But, seems there's suddenly a storage unit in my mind-soul that has possibly been unlocked and ready for all the things to be moved out. Dusted off, loaded up in the Uhaul of the spoken word, and taken to it's new place of very own blog space. Oddly enough it feels like home for the moment.

I never actually thought I would arrive here, but I think I've been spending more time with myself than comfortable. Having also taken to sobriety (of the red wine persuasion) as of late, I have nothing to do but ponder. "What do you ponder Shem?" you might ask......"Well in my humble and likely contrary opinion, some quiet interesting things!" I would kindly answer. So, now I will take you for a little ride into those if you choose to continue reading.

I will make a list of ponderizations this first time round so you might begin to get used to the feeling of taking a thought one at a time and swishing it around in your mind.( BTW: That is my definition of pondering.) I will keep it as clear as possible, and you might find yourself having a bit of a response, but I welcome those just the same. We can consider this a conversation, a correspondence of ponderings, a romp down the rabbit hole of multidimensional travel if you will. Give yourself free reign to ponder along, and I will too because I will be making these up as I go along. Off the cuff ponderings come in the best of flavors!

#1 Did you ever consider that just because there are these things called clocks and there are numbers on them that the concept of time is human made solely to keep track of motion of experience in space and does not at all mean that the numbers have anything to do with that concept. Clocks-Numbers=Experience of Motion.
(I know....that one can take awhile to wrap around, and will also likely change your perception of reality...did mine!)

#2 Have you ever watched a small child for a long time and then thought, "I was once that small". You were. Weird huh?

#3 We are floating around on a large ball in the middle of a black star dimpled vastness and we think it's normal, or we sometimes don't think about that at all. Well now we do!

#4 If you believe in reincarnation: I like to think that when a mother dies at childbirth it is likely that she reincarnates as her own child she just gave birth to. Life=Death=Life

#5 Where do you come from? You aren't from the Earth, you arrived here and you will leave here. Where will you go from here?

O.k. that should be a mind-full. I hope you've enjoyed your time here in my new little speak easy. I will be back and have more to say.............

Keep it REAL.


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