August 4, 2019

On The Inside of People


On The Inside of People

There are things on the inside of people
you can't know from the outside

Twisted vines and ovals
Curving back towards one another

You might see something move in their eyes
Palpating thumps of flattened moments

Rise and fall 
Seeping across faces
(sometimes urgently)
out of bodies

Then there are those who seem to have no inner motion
The ones who start....
Starring perplexed back at themselves
Drawing upon a hint of fluttering bird wing

Deciding gesture and pose
Pre-thought distribution of physical matter called Self
The slight of external eyes
wandering over questionable movements
Distorting songs
Crucial poetic slashes cut
Across timelines of potent expression

Who exists beyond the torment of external and internal life?
Who continues to live outside abstract thoughts running rampant in the heart mind?
Who can dissolve the pre-birth anxiousness of wanting and needing first breath?

Of toiling weightless
In the timeless time
In the spaceless space

Pushing towards opening expecting light
Ultimate escape from the realization of being
Of incessant wondering of the 


Within pure knowledge of silence 
Comes acceptance of totality

A free push and pull 
Of natural realms
Beginning forces 
Recognizing form.
