July 2, 2017

My True Luddite Nature

Here's what Im thinking about today:

Seems the use of the cell phones has become a monumental critical mass experience now. I know I'm not the only one who knows this is happening. You too must see, when out and about, almost every person of every age consistently consumed by their phone. The youngins with their huge iPhone 7 screens, and the elders with their flip phones. The folks that prefer tablets and iPads, and the ones that have earbuds in their ears at all times. The noticing of people hanging with their people and they're all just using their phones while sitting together. Or after your done eating at a restaurant, and you're digesting your food, and you must bring out the phone at that digesting moment to show your friend the latest picture of your cat. It's become the norm, and that norm is becoming increasingly odd. I know, I know, no new news on this whole picture. But it's seeming more and more epidemical to me. 

I have been recently getting more of this uncomfortable feeling noticing and knowing this is occurring. Just feeling a bit squirmish and disconnected by witnessing the disconnect. Yes, I completely admit I'm guilty of my own excessive use at times, and I know I'm using this technology right at this moment to relay my (oh so important and relevant!!) thoughts. And I suppose blogging is becoming a bit passe too due to it's nature of having to read a longer bit of info rather than a snipit Snap-chatty thing. And yes, sometimes my girlfriend and I even get in momentary squabbles about who's using and is more addicted to their phones! It's entered the house and home, and relationships too. 

But my main discomfort comes from knowing that we are likely collectively "checking out" in some way that is not helping us evolve in a way that it seems we so need to now. I believe we are having more of a challenging time just being right here right now interacting in real connection with the people right on front of us. Connecting is the key word. There is a sense of isolation between us and these screens we think we are connecting within. Maybe in some ways we are connecting, but at the end of the day, voice, eye contact, body language and even touch are what makes for real connection.  

I believe and know too that there is much going on in our world right now that perhaps people don't want to be connected in some basic present way. People say they are informing themselves with their phones  by having CONSTANT access to the news and moment to moment updates. But I realize with all that constant mostly snap shots of chaotic input, there's not much time to really process that information either, which is something that we humans need to do so as not to overload and go sort of numb to it all.  

I believe it's overloading our physical and psychological systems more than we are conscious of, and I'm witnessing this not only in noticing how people are responding to some things that happen in our physical non-virtual world outside of our phones, but the straight up not responding at all to perhaps important things that need attention in the outer world either. 

But the simple personal fact I'm writing this is because yes, truth is I have been feeling disconnected from that sort of basic connection, and I am not usually familiar with experiencing that disconnect feeling. There's a strange longing there and for me this is something to take notice to. After deeper thought over time, and from what I've expressed above, I attribute this partially to my use of my phone. When I am engaged in this consuming screen time way, it's just TMI most of the time for me, but alas I am choosing to get that TMI most of the time! 

So, in the desire to soothe that longing and re-connect to that basic thing, and hopefully with my fellow human without the use of my phone, I'm considering becoming a partial Luddite starting asap. That 'partial' part seems like a good first step to returning to this awesome world of the real connection. Or what I consider real. I believe after making a real commitment to this practice I am almost certain I will learn much about the ways of what this means for me living a continued happy, healthy, and balanced existence with technology. That is the goal I am intending to reach. 

To begin I will not be using my FB so much in the ways of connecting with others, as this has been a place where I often go to find out what's up and also to let others know what's up with me. I don't have other social media places I hang out so this makes it feel much more doable. Don't get me wrong, I think FB has been an amazing tool in connecting people and I have even re-met some of my long lost past friends there. And there are now 2 billion people involved in the FB social media forum. That in and of itself says much about the beauty of social media technology. Yet, I want to try and see how I can connect and be with my people again without the screen there in between. Wish me the best...YES??!! 

Some of the further ways I might go about my Luddite-ness in order to connect are: 

1. I might have to get myself an actual old fashioned typewriter and send you an actual letter. Or I could use a pen and paper. That's def more radical! 

2. I could consider sending smoke signals of my whereabouts so we can meet up and talk in person. (After high fire danger season of course.)

3.  I might even drop some fresh flowers at your door step as a hello rather than texting you flower emojis.

4. I'll likely hold back on texting and attempt to call you and talk with my voice to yours. Another radical measure!

And lastly, my motto to begin my personal revolution: "If not YOU then who?" 


Luddite Definition: https://www.google.com/amp/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3Dluddite%26amp%3Dtrue